Project Overview

We characterized a previously unstudied aversive behavior in which worms reverse upon encountering the edge of a cliff (Mitchell et al., microPublication Biology 2021). The team is currently working to identify the neurons and sensory modalities involved in this response by studying mutants and utilizing a variety of experimental designs.


  • What neurons and sensory modalities are responsible for the precipice response?


A single C. elegans is placed on a 2 mm x 2 mm x 2mm cube of NGM agar.

Each worm is recorded to witness its initial contact with the edge for later analysis.

The worms are scored based on their precipice response, or lack thereof, as well as other subcategories.

  • Precipice Response: The worm reverses within two seconds of its nose going over the edge.

The experiment is double-blinded!

Each worm is given a number and is scored by two researchers separately, neither of whom known the worm’s strain.

If the results of the two researchers conflict, the team reconvenes with Dr. Young to have a watch party and make the ultimate decision!

The Precipice Team!

Julia Carter & Gabrielle H. Martin